Saturday, October 28, 2006

I've been a bit busy

But with what ? Wel even though I had a weeks holiday I have been working my b.... off.

All products that I bought recently are all in the webshop, all the new workshops are on the site, most of the demo models have been made and oh yeah I've been playing with the boys every now and then too ...

Did some scrapping with my friend Wendy & Martine on wednesday evening but can't show it yet.

On Thursday we went to the theater with the boys to see the musical "Kikker in the clouds" which we almost missed due to a power shortage. Luckily the power went on right before the second show and we were allowed to exchange our tickets for that show (we had tickets for the 1st show). After that we went to dinner @ Burger King so great fun for all.

On friday my friend Martine came round with her boys and we made some altered mini books with them and cupcakes. Great for the boys very tiring "workshop" for us haha.

Oh yeah and I finally sind up as a member for a wellness company of which I really LOOOOVE the products. As I am usually the tipe of try before you totally get hooked (just like with the items for my shop) I tried a lot of their products and they are really good. If you're interested in learning more about them take a look at the Melaleuca products and if you'd like to try some let me know. As a member I get a discount on their products.

Now I've heard most scrappers are stuck with scrappers block, lost mojo and such, fortunately I'm not one of them. So how are you and you're mojo doing ?


Anonymous said...

Weehee - good you are taking a bit of a break! Lost Mojo - well a bit, it is weird but I feel kind of worn out about the how to's - Oh well - get it hopefully back ;-) Have a gorgeous weekend!

Angelique said...

Not lost my mojo ! But TIME ! Busy at the hospital & still tired from being ill 2 weeks ago.......... Beeehhh....... Lots of ideas are on my desk and in my head !

Anonymous said...

My mojo is doing just fiiiiiiiiiiine thankyouverymuch.

And it should -it's been on vacation for about 3 weeks ;-)

Nicole said...

Ik heb geen "scrappers block" en mijn "mojo" is ook nog steeds ok, maar zoals Angelique ook al schreef "TIJD", die kom ik momenteel behoorlijk te kort en je ziet dan juist dat het bruist van de ideeën...

gr Nicole

corinne5 said...

mine is back in business, finally!
